信用卡 (Secure Online PaymenT)
索伯里学校接受万事达卡,VISA或美国运通的礼物. You may specify the date when you wish your card to be charged. 礼品可以按月、季度、半年或每年赠送一次. All gift information is secure and confidential.
捐赠有资格获得等于捐赠全部金额的慈善扣除额. 联邦法律将任何一年的扣除额限制在调整后总收入的50%以内. 任何超过第一年扣除金额的部分可以结转到接下来的五年(每年最多50%的上限),直到全部扣除礼物的价值. Please mail your check, payable to 韦德娱乐app下载地址 Annual Fund, 6832 Phillips Mill Rd, 新的希望, Pa 18938-9682.
Appreciated Securities
将你持有超过一年的增值证券赠予他人在税收方面是有利的. 直接将股票捐赠给学校(不要先出售股票并将收益寄给索伯里), 在学校收到股票之日,你将获得相当于证券公平市场价值的税收减免. 此外,你不必为股票增值支付任何资本利得税. 联邦法律规定,任何一年的扣除额不得超过调整后总收入的30%. 任何超额部分都可以在未来五年内结转,最高可达每年30%的上限.
The easiest way to transfer securities is via DTC transfer. 请通过mmarshall@solebury与年度基金助理主任Michael Marshall联系.Org或215.862.5261年,ext. 136 for bank information needed to transfer funds by DTC. 您还需要确认转让的日期、证券名称和股份数量. Alternately you can contact the school's broker directly:
奥本海默 & Co. 公司.
1818 Market Street, Suite 2430
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Via Stock Certificates
To make a gift of stock certificates, 请将未签名的股票直接寄到学校,由Michael Marshall代管, Assistant Director of the Annual Fund, with a letter of intent. Send an unsigned blank stock power in a separate envelope.
Mail to: Mike Marshall
6832 Phillips Mill Rd.
新的希望, PA 18938-9682
Bank Wire Transfer
We can also accept funds wired directly to the School. 请通过mmarshall@solebury与年度基金助理主任Michael Marshall联系.Org或215.862.5261年,ext. 136 to discuss your gift and for wiring instructions.
许多公司会将员工的礼物与私立学校相匹配. 请与您的人力资源部或我们的发展办公室联系,看看您的公司是否会匹配您的礼物. It is a wonderful way to double (and sometimes triple!) your gift to Solebury.
For more information, 请致电mmarshall@solebury与年度基金助理主任Michael Marshall联络.Org或215.862.5261年,ext. 136.
有时人们会发现他们有一些索伯里学校可以使用的东西,比如:家具, 电脑, 艺术设备, 书, food for events or school supplies. 这些实物礼物可以很好地增加了学校,并有助于降低开支. 然而,有时韦德娱乐app下载地址可能不需要当时提供的某些东西. Please contact the school first to see if we can use the item. Your thoughtful gifts are always very much appreciated.
The advant年龄 to the donor你可以把你的实物捐赠作为对慈善组织的减税扣除. You, as the donor, are responsible for valuing the item. 价值超过500美元的项目需要在您的纳税申报表上填写8283表. Items valued over $5,000 must be independently appraised.
The advant年龄 to the school:我们收到了我们可能无法购买的物品.
If you have something you think the school could use, 请通过mmarshall@solebury与年度基金助理主任Mike Marshall联系.Org或215.862.5261年,ext. 136.